Hotels in Valle Gran Rey

Comfortable hotels and resorts in Valle Gran Rey.

An overview of the most popular hotels in the Valle Gran Rey makes choosing a hotel even easier for holidaymakers. The trick is to find the hotel that meets your own expectations of a hotel holiday on La Gomera’s west coast.

Many holiday resorts and hotels are conveniently located in the Valle Gran Rey. Some offer extra comfort and high-end furnishings, others offer guests a beautiful pool, a fantastic sea view, and special service.

The range of holiday resorts and hotels in the valley of the great king includes comfortable, family friendly, and beach-side accommodation.

Depending on your individual budget and preferences, you can find the perfect hotel or the ideal holiday resort in the Valle Gran Rey.

Valle Gran Rey hotels & resorts

The spectacular pool at the Hotel Gran ReyLa Puntilla hotels & resorts

Relax in one of the popular holiday resorts in Valle Gran Rey’s La Puntilla, between the beaches and the harbour.