La Gomera has so far been spared from package holidays. Guests can find nice accommodation for the duration of their stay in the few hotels, in the many private apartments and in the typical small houses dotted all over the island.
The greenest of the Canary Islands is ideal for travellers wanting to experience the genuine side of the Canaries. Through the many private accommodations on offer you can get to know the Gomeros and their way of life.
Because there aren’t any direct flights to the island, no large hotel complexes have been built. It is advisable however, to book accommodation before arriving on La Gomera, especially during high season, Christmas and Easter.
Popular places with accommodation
Accommodation in Valle Gran Rey
You can find accommodation to suit every taste in the Valle Gran Rey: directly at the beach in La Playa, in La Puntilla, in La Calera, in Vueltas, in Borbalan or in the quiet upper valley.
Accommodation in Playa Santiago
The small fishing village Playa Santiago lies at the delta of beautiful ravines in the sunny south. Beautiful accommodation invites you to relax.
Accommodation in Agulo
Beautiful accommodation in the north of La Gomera can be found in the beautiful town Agulo enchants with colonial buildings and crooked lanes.
Holiday homes
Beautiful hotels on the island of La Gomera.
Holiday houses, villas & bungalows
Inviting holiday houses, villas and bungalows on the island of La Gomera.
Holiday apartments & studios
Great variety of apartments and studios on the island of La Gomera.
Accommodation on La Gomera
Accommodation by places
Accommodation on La Gomera, sorted by places.
Accommodation by region
Here you can browse through different accommodation options for your holiday on La Gomera. The accommodation is sorted by region.
Accommodation with Internet/Wi-Fi
Browse through different accommodation with Internet/Wi-Fi. Would you like to surf the Web from the comfort of your apartment, holiday home, hotel room, or holiday rental?
Accommodation for a beach holiday
Accommodation for a holiday at the beach and with beach activities on La Gomera.
Accommodation for a hiking holiday
Accommodation for a holiday with wonderful hikes through La Gomera’s breathtaking nature.